If you can see your cellulite from a distance, it’s likely that you’ve already reached an advanced stage. Or maybe you are just feeling the lumps under the skin? Whether it’s for body aesthetics or better health, you definitely want to get rid of cellulite as early as possible.
Determine your degree of cellulite in a simple and quick way. Find what type of cellulite is yours, and also learn about some great home remedies and treatments in this Chlorine post.
What is cellulite?
Cellulite most often appears on the breasts, abdomen, and thighs. Where it occurs, the skin texture is lumpy, wrinkled, and fibrous, which is why cellulite has been called the “orange peel“. Its size and appearance depend on the degree of advancement.
The higher the degree of cellulite, the harder it is to get rid of. When cellulite is clearly visible and accompanied by excess body fat, it is considered a disease.
The lumps under the skin are enlarged adipocytes – fat cells. When they enlarge, they put pressure on the blood and lymph vessels near them. As a result, the blood circulation is affected, this, in turn, may impact everything else related to an adequate supply of blood, like metabolism.
From a medical point of view, cellulite is an uneven distribution of adipose tissue, where the lumps form with voids. These voids are then filled by a range of metabolic by-products. Then, swelling appears in a given place, leading to complications with blood supply.
Types of Cellulite
There are the following three types of cellulite:
- Water cellulite.
- Fatty cellulite.
- Mattress leather.
Water cellulite: Also known as edematous cellulite, appears first. If you squeeze the folds of the skin with your fingers, you get an uneven surface and slight swelling. Proper gymnastics will help at this stage.
Fatty cellulite: The skin is covered with dimples, palpable lumps, and small lumps. Fat cells are enlarged. It takes much more effort to combat it. Ways to deal with fatty cellulite include exercise and intensive cosmetics.
Mattress cellulite: Numerous nodules and depressions are very well visible. The ischemic, streaked area grows larger and larger. The skin may feel cold in these places. These changes are irreversible, they can only be stopped. When we lead to them, not even an aesthetic medicine doctor will help us.
What Causes Cellulite?
The popular belief that cellulite is only caused by being overweight is largely incorrect. Besides the weight, there can be multiple reasons behind your particular cellulite formation. Below are some of the major causes:
- Lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle.
- Excess sugar and salt in the diet.
- Excess fat (weight).
- Excess estrogen in the case of progesterone deficiency.
- Blood circulation problems.
- Too-tight clothes.
- Heavy smoking.
- Posture (curvature of the spine disturbs the circulation of blood in the legs).
Degree of Cellulite
1st Degree: The first degree of cellulite is not very visible. To determine it, pinch a flap of skin on your abdomen or on the top of your thighs with two fingers. If the skin becomes slightly lumpy, that’s first-degree cellulite.
2nd Degree: The second degree of cellulite works the same as the first, but the skin looks like orange peel when squeezed, and you may feel slight pain when you touch this place.
3rd Degree: The third degree of cellulite is already visible without squeezing, and the papules are more voluminous. Throughout its entire surface, the skin in deeper layers is unevenly folded (not to be confused with wrinkled).
4th Degree: The fourth degree of cellulite is the stage when the skin is actually shaking with excess wrinkles. Lumps hurt a lot when you touch them, they are easily felt with a gentle touch with your hand.
Ways to Fight Cellulite
Remember that the sooner you start implementing small changes, the faster you will get rid of cellulite. Any methods of cleansing the body of retained water, stimulating blood circulation, and replacing adipose tissue with muscles will be effective.
The initial stage does not require the use of drastic methods to combat orange skin. Start going for walks and doing sports that will tire you out. Suitable will be jogging, spinning, interval, training on the power tower, jumping rope, and exercises for the abdomen and lower body.
Limit your salt and sodium intake, which causes water retention and, as a result, swelling. Here you can help yourself with pharmaceutical preparations that help remove water from the body or have a detoxifying effect.
In turn, you will improve the blood supply yourself only slightly, but it is worth doing. Every day, take a powerful “hot-cold” shower and scrub cellulite areas with a coarse sponge or a sponge washcloth (available for a little money at drugstores).
Cellulite Remedies, Treatments
There are various effective home remedies you can employ to get rid of cellulite. Check these seven home remedies for cellulite.
Additionally, you can start with a message that you can do alone or with a friend. To do this, clean and dry the part of the body with cellulite. Use your fingers to knead and roll the skin, always pointing upwards. This should be like shoveling snow with a spatula, where the snow is cellulite and your hands act as a spatula.
This method only works for the first degree of cellulite, so if you have noticed that your orange peel is already at a higher stage, go for manual or mechanical lymphatic drainage. Other possible treatments for cellulite may include massage, Chinese cupping, endermology, carboxytherapy, and shock wave.