Vitamins for the hair: These nutrients have a supportive effect

If there are suddenly more hairs in the brush than usual or they appear weak and without shine, this could possibly indicate a nutrient deficiency.

Iron in particular is an important trace element for healthy hair. But the hair roots also rely on other minerals and vitamins. Why an unhealthy diet often leaves its mark on the head and which nutrients the hair particularly needs.

In order for hair to grow well and develop healthy and shiny, it needs good blood circulation in the hair bulb and an adequate supply of nutrients. If important nutrients are missing, hair loss is promoted. Losing up to 100 hairs per day is normal. If there is suddenly more hair in the brush than usual, you should investigate the cause.

Where does iron deficiency come from?

The cause of iron deficiency is usually heavy menstrual bleeding or pregnancy . Strict diets or periods of prolonged illness can also promote iron deficiency. “If young women have hair loss, the body’s iron stores should always be checked. If there is an iron deficiency, iron can be administered to the body as a drug,” says Schwichtenberg.

“It’s also worth looking at your diet. A strict diet, a vegan diet or malnutrition due to illness, such as anorexia, increase the risk of iron deficiency and a lack of nutrients in general.”

Which foods contain important nutrients for hair?


Whole grain products, meat, sausage products, vegetables and legumes are the main sources of iron.

Zinc: Foods rich in zinc include beef, fish, eggs, milk and cheese.

Copper: Liver, grains, dried fruit, legumes, nuts and sunflower seeds as well as dried yeast are good sources of copper.

Iodine:The best source of iodine is sea fish. Milk and eggs are also rich in iodine if the animals are fed appropriately.

Magnesium: Whole grain products, legumes, green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds, fish and seafood, potatoes, bananas, meat as well as dairy and dairy products are important for magnesium supply.

Calcium: Calcium is mainly found in milk and dairy products as well as in green leafy vegetables.

Vitamin C: The average daily requirement of 100 milligrams can be easily achieved with fresh fruit (citrus fruits) and vegetables (especially peppers and broccoli).

B vitamins: Whole grains, legumes, vegetables, fish and meat, eggs, salad, green vegetables and milk and dairy products provide the body with important

B vitamins.Why does hair need protein?
Another important nutrient for hair is protein. The hair needs protein to form

keratin. Adequate protein intake supports hair growth. The German Society for Nutrition e. V. (DGE) recommends a daily protein intake of 0.8 to 1.0 grams per kilogram of body weight for healthy adults.

According to the DGE, protein-rich foods include, in addition to meat, fish, dairy products and eggs, legumes such as soy, lentils and peas. Grain products would also contribute to the supply of proteins.

Hair loss: risk factor stress

“In addition to a healthy and balanced diet, make sure to reduce stress as much as possible,” advises Schwichtenberg. “Continued stress can promote hair loss. On the one hand, because stress leads to an unhealthy lifestyle and throws cortisol levels out of balance.


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