Know-it-all regulars, complicated machines, pushy trainers, mystery smells – yep, I’m talking about the gym. Why deal with all that when you can complete sweat-inducing, fat-burning workouts without any equipment at all, right from your own home!
Start today with the following exercise plan coupled with the fat cutter drink and the complete full week meal plan provided at the end of this post. If you are someone who is looking to shed that fat, you will surprise yourself at the end of the month.
Jogging in place
Seems simple enough, but trust me, doing this exercise for a couple of minutes can get your heart rate up big time.
Jogging in place is a gentle way to get your blood pumping before the more heavy-duty stuff, making it a great warm-up move. It’ll also keep that heart rate up in between more intense cardio exercises. Because why would you wanna rest between exercises when you can squeeze in a little jogging?
For example, if you really wanna kick it up a notch and work those hammies and glutes, you can turn this jogging into knee touches, picking up your knee to about hip-level with each lift. It helps to hold your forearms out in front of you with the palms facing down. That way, you can try to touch your knee to your hand each time you bring it up. Another way to intensify this workout is by widening the distance between your legs. If you have your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, it’ll take even more energy to lift them up, helping you get your heart rate up even more. This is pretty good for your core and glutes as well.
Jumping Jacks
Standing with your feet together and your arms by your sides, hop your feet apart at the same time as bringing your arms above your head. Bend your arms slightly at the top quickly, hop your feet back together loan your arms back to your sides. Continue this motion for 5 minutes hopping out and back is one repetition you.
Burpees are one of the best fat-burning moves out there. To do a burpee, find a spot where there’s nothing around for you to bump into. Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart or just slightly wider than that.
To start, do a basic squat by going down in a sitting motion as if you’re about to sit in a chair behind you. As you hit the bottom of that squat, put your hands forward flat onto the floor and push your legs back like you’re gonna do a push-up. Next, using your core strength, tuck your knees back under your body like they were during that squat and stand back up. If you’re new to cardio, burpees can really take a lot out of you. So pace yourself and start slow so that you don’t wear yourself out too fast.
The key to this exercise is buoyancy. When you’re kicking your feet off the ground and getting back up, putting all your energy into it with a little bounce is what will really get your heart rate going. And that, in turn, will burn fat like there’s no tomorrow, and that’s why we’re all here, right? But burpees don’t just boost your metabolism and turn your body into a calorie-burning machine! They also hit tons of muscle groups. During that squat, you’re working your hip and butt muscles. Kick back into that push-up, there’s your ab, shoulder, and arm workout. If you jump up at the end, you’ll have shapely calves in no time! Yeah, burpees are definitely worth the strenuous effort!
The Jab Cross
Who says you need to go to a gym to practice your boxing moves? You can do that right at home without any equipment or a fighting partner. Although, imaginary opponents aren’t against the rules if you need to blow off some steam! Ah, if crippling student loan debt were a person… Anyway, the jab cross is a fast-paced move you can do with your arms to really focus and get your heart rate up.
Start by standing with your right foot slightly forward and your left foot straight under your body. Turn yourself slightly so that you’re facing more toward the left. Keep your elbows bent and your hands in fists right under your chin. Really tense up those biceps. Take your right hand and propel it forward in a quick punch. The key to this jab is to quickly bring that arm back into the starting position after you punch. This requires more enthe_ad id=”4011″]ergy and focus.
The cross
With your left fist, punch forward while twisting your body slowly toward the right, lifting your left heel off the ground to help propel you. Just like with that right jab, bring your left arm in again right under your chin with the same amount of intensity and energy. Do the jab cross combination 20 times on each side for 2 to 3 reps, and you’ll be channeling your inner Rocky Balboa in no time. This is a great way to get your heart rate up, strengthen the shoulders and upper arms, and get that pent-up anger out!
Mountain climbers
If you really wanna work up a sweat, mountain climbers will definitely do the trick. Not only does this exercise get your heart racing, it also engages your core, helping you to achieve those rock-hard abs of your dreams. Start on the floor with your arms holding you up in the push-up position and your legs stretched straight out behind you. It should look like you’re about to do push-ups or hold a plank.
Keeping your back level and your arms sturdy, start bringing your knees in under your chest, one at a time.
This move should be done at a rapid pace and should look like you’re climbing in place. Do as many mountain climbers as you can within 30 seconds. If you’re a beginner, one set of these for 30 seconds should be enough. But as you gain more stamina, do 3 reps of 30 seconds to really see the fat-burning results.
Squat Jumps
Here’s an exercise that’s pretty easy to do and very effective at burning fat. That’s because the squatting motion combined with the light jump takes quite a lot of energy and can get your heart rate up almost immediately after starting. To do a squat jump, start with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
If you need to, practice by sitting down again and again in an actual chair so that you can really mimic the movement correctly. When you come up from each squat, do a little jump and land softly. Squat jumps are great for your calves, thighs, and glutes. Do 3 reps of 10 to 20 for the best results.
And there ya go! The best of the best when it comes to burning calories and melting fat off your body! So, once you’ve started incorporating these cardio workouts into your daily routine, how can you know if they’re working or not? First off, you’ll notice your problem areas tightening up. That’s right, say goodbye to flabby arms, a jiggly stomach, and blubbery thighs. But aside from actual weight loss, cardio is great for your blood circulation, heart health, general stamina, and overall mood.
After a few weeks of regular cardio, you’ll probably notice that carrying heavy bags of groceries from the car to the house no longer leaves you in a nasty sweat. And doing basic things like rearranging heavy furniture or running for the bus no longer takes the wind out of you. And you won’t be embarrassingly out of breath after climbing up a flight of stairs.
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