How do you know when a dying person wants to leave?

Lydia Röder works with people who are dying. For years she has been concerned with the question: What is going on with the dying and their relatives?

Lydia Röder has been working as a euthanasia assistant for a long time . She accompanies people to their death and takes away their fears, fulfills their last wishes and answers questions from relatives. She also gives training on the topics of death, grief and dying.

“Death always puts things into perspective”

Lydia Röder loves her job. She doesn’t have a queasy feeling about working with dying people: “Through hospice work, I learn to enjoy every moment more. I have a completely different awareness of life. Death always puts things into perspective. There are so many Issues in everyday life that you can get upset about. For me, these always fall flat a bit,” she explains.

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