Burnt tongue? This trick can help with the pain

Burnt tongue (symbolic image): Burns in the mouth usually occur when hot drinks or food are consumed too quickly.

Burnt tongue (symbolic image): Burns in the mouth usually occur when hot drinks or food are consumed too quickly. (Source: Ake Ngiamsanguan/getty-images-bilder)

It has happened to all of us before: the coffee or soup was too hot and our tongue burned. How to stop the pain.

A burnt tongue feels very uncomfortable. This is because it is extremely sensitive. If you have eaten or drunk something that is too hot, in particularly severe cases, burn blisters can even form. But usually the tongue is red and numb.

Burnt tongue: What can help against the pain

Many people then resort to a cold drink to relieve the pain. Cooling is generally a good measure. You can also suck ice cubes or eat ice cream to control the pain.

Cold chamomile tea has also proven to be effective. Its disinfectant effect can help soothe the pain on the tongue. Drink the tea in small sips or gargle it. Alternatively, you can also use milk or buttermilk to cool the affected areas.

Insider tip sugar?

An insider tip for burns that is circulating on the Internet is said to be sugar. Simply sprinkle a pinch on your tongue and let it melt. This should help the pain subside more quickly.

Basically, this home remedy is not harmful. However, whether there is actually a concrete benefit is subjective and has not yet been scientifically proven clearly.

Spoonful of sugar (symbolic image): A pinch on the tongue is said to make the burning and numb feeling go away.
Spoonful of sugar (symbolic image): A pinch on the tongue is said to make the burning and numb feeling go away. (Source: Olga Babchenko/getty-images-bilder)

If you don’t have sugar on hand, honey can also help. Let a teaspoon of honey melt on your tongue; it should relieve some of the pain and also have an antibacterial effect.Typically, a mild tongue burn will heal on its own within a few days. If the pain persists and no home remedy provides relief, you should consult your family doctor.


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