Witch Hair :The Origin and Remedies

As one ages, the emergence of coarse, unruly chin hair can be visually unsettling. This occurrence is particularly common among women during and after menopause, where these isolated facial hairs are often referred to as ‘witch hair’ or ‘devil hair.’ Frequently, an excess of hormones plays a pivotal role in this phenomenon. But, what measures can be taken to prevent the development of witch hair, and what remedies can effectively combat it?

What is witch hair?

A hair strand removed from chin with compared to a normal beard hair strain.

“Witch hair occurs sporadically and is significantly wirier and thicker than the rest of the delicate facial hair in women. The witch’s hair also grows out of the skin longer and shows a black or white color depending on age. It is also possible that individual hairs sprout from a birthmark because pigmentation disorders in the skin stimulate the growth of hair cells.

Why witch hair grows on the chin

Witch hair can have a variety of causes. They are often genetically determined. If your mother has one or more wiry hairs on her chin, there is a good chance that you will notice their growth at a young age or later.

Witch hair is often related to hormonal influences. “Women with excess testosterone often have long hair on their chins. Many notice increased growth during during p“It is also possible that the pathological pregnancy and during or after menopause. formation of ovarian cysts (polycystic ovary syndrome, PCOS), ovarian tumors, adrenal tumors (Cushing’s syndrome) or thyroid diseases influence the hormone level so strongly that the male sex hormone testosterone increases and hair growth on the chin is stimulated.”

Eliminating bothersome witch hair is a common desire among many women. Fortunately, several methods are available to address these wiry strands. One straightforward approach is tweezing individual hairs, which offers the advantage of a relatively delayed regrowth period, often taking several weeks.

“If you are comfortable with tweezing, it’s a viable option,” says experts. However, it’s crucial to avoid plucking hairs from moles. Consistent irritation of moles can potentially foster inflammation and, in extreme cases, contribute to malignant transformations. Therefore, extra caution is advised in such cases.

Additionally, other techniques like waxing, threading, or even laser hair removal can provide longer-lasting solutions for managing and reducing the appearance of witch hair. Exploring these options with a qualified professional can help you find the most suitable method to bid farewell to these pesky strands for good. “If the hair keeps growing in and becomes inflamed, shaving is an alternative. You can also carefully shorten the witch’s hair with nail scissors. However, hair that has been cut grows back faster and it feels a bit stubbly. Permanent removal using a laser is also possible. You can seek advice from a dermatologist about this.”


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