Hairstyle Hacks: Your Face Shape Defines Your Perfect Hairstyle

Which celebrity hairstyle you love matters very little when it comes to styling your own. One particular factor you can’t exclude while choosing a haircut is, yup.. you guessed it right, your face shape. Simply by taking your face structure into account, you will be able to figure out the perfect hairstyle.

Not to mention the fact that you will definitely avoid an aesthetic slip-up and you will look just good in your new hairstyle. Check which hairstyles work best for you.

1. Square Face Haircuts

hairstyles for square face haircuts-01

Besides other features, a square face is characterized by a strongly defined jaw. It can be sexy, but it can also make you seem masculine, sharp, and firm.

Avoid geometric hairstyles that would only accentuate the square shape of the jaw.  These include short bob with bangs or straight cut and iron-smoothed hair. Smooth-back hairstyles also strongly accentuate the square shape of the face.

You may go instead for full light hairstyles that distract from too sharp facial features. If you want to wear long hair, it should be parted. Wrap them in light waves at the ends and fluff with your fingers to increase the effect of a nonchalant appearance.

Color is also important in your case. Instead of a solid shade (especially if you’re a brunette), opt for luminous highlights that will make your hairstyle more three-dimensional.

Would you like a shorter haircut? You can wear a classic bob but beware, not one up to the jawline as it will only emphasize it. It should be a few centimeters longer and the cut line should be softly rounded.

What do you think about fringe? Forget about straight, heavy, and geometric, choose rather light, shaded, and combed to the side.

In the case of a square face, all kinds of curls and waves are great, which balance strong facial features, giving them softness and gentleness.

Round Face Hairstyles

Round face Hairstyles

Even if you are very thin, this face shape can make you appear fuller and rounder than it really is. Therefore, the hairstyle should make it as slim as possible.

Avoid the classic bob. The cut is made in a semicircle and thus accentuates the round shape of your head. Also, try to keep the haircut less voluminous, especially on the sides of the face.

Longer hair that is smoothed and ironed will look gorgeous. Why? Because they optically lengthen the face without adding volume to the sides. However, if you prefer your hair to be slightly wavy, you don’t have to give it up. All you have to do is curl them along their lengths, leaving them naturally straight next to your face. The curls should start at about the level of your mouth.

Many short hairstyles can accentuate the rounded shape of the face, but that doesn’t mean you can only wear long ones. In your case, check the classic pixie cut with long bangs falling over your forehead. This will greatly intensify the effects of a thinner and longer face.

Would you like to pin-up? Go ahead, this is a great choice, especially if you brush your hair up high. Such a trick will make the face appear longer.

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Rectangular Face Haircuts

Rectangular Face Haircuts

The difference between a square and rectangular face is that a rectangular face is longer than it is wider. Avoid long, straightened hair that visually lengthens the face. A part in the center of the head is definitely not for you. You shouldn’t also wear very short hair, especially very shaded hair at the top of your head.

The perfect haircut for you is a bob – especially one where the back is slightly shorter than the front (such a cut adds volume and visually widens the face). You can easily afford length up to the jaw height.

Long hair is a bit of a risk with a long face, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take the risk. They just shouldn’t be… too long. Cut them to the shoulders and be sure to ask for shading.

The heavy, straight bangs are your best ally in adding curvature to your face. They allows you to hide too high a forehead, camouflage wrinkles, and visually shorten a too-long face.

Love curls and waves! Especially the face ones. It’s a surefire way to make it appear fuller.

Oval Face Hairstyles

Rectangular Face

It is impossible to hide – you are lucky. You can wear almost any hairstyle and you will look good in any. Also in the riskiest ones.

Not everyone is comfortable with very short hair. But if you have an oval face, you might even wear a matchstick hairstyle. Of course, it takes courage. But a few centimeters pixie cut is a stylish classic, and very girly. Go ahead! There are also many asymmetries and shavings for you.

If, on the other hand, you are a fan of long hair, just remember not to make it too long. The idea is to emphasize the perfect shape of your face, not lengthen it unnecessarily. The length to the height of the shoulder blades is best.

There’s a fringe for you, as long as it’s not too short or too heavy. You will look most advantageous in a slightly shaded and half-round cut (slightly longer on the sides of the face).

Girls with oval faces also look great in shaded haircuts in the style of the 80s, the so-called shag haircut. It’s a highly frayed shoulder-length cut, often with an asymmetrical fringe. Mischievous and rocky, it adds character, yet still light enough to look very feminine.

So, what face shape do you have and what hairstyle have you been wearing? We would love to hear your thoughts on this.


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