10 Beauty Routine Hacks, Remedies Every Grown Woman Should Know

1. Toothpaste for Acne

Acne, blemishes and other skin breakouts are most common among teenagers. In fact, 70 to 87 percent of teenagers report having this problem.

Acne can appear on the face, chest, back and scalp. Excessive oil production, accumulation of dead skin cells, clogged pores and bacteria are the four most common factors contributing to acne.

Here is an inexpensive quick fix for your zits.

Apply a small amount of white toothpaste on the affected area before going to bed and rinse it off the next morning. Repeat daily for a few days until your skin is free of acne.
Aloe vera gel is also effective for mild to moderate acne. Just extract the gel from an aloe vera leaf and apply it on the affected area, 2 to 3 times daily. The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of aloe vera help kill the bacteria causing acne as well as reduce inflammation.


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