12 Female Customs & Habits That Are More Than Outdated

Many tricks that our mothers and grandmothers used still exist today. Most of them are carefully preserved and passed on to the next generations.

At the same time, there are traditions that should only exist in historical films or books, because they are definitely a thing of the past.

That woman should always wear high heels or that all clothes have to be ironed are just two of these outdated customs that should be said goodbye.

1. Iron Everything


For a long time, it was customary to iron all items of clothing, including socks and underwear. Fortunately for most women, these times are over and the iron is more and more often left in the closet. Younger generations usually refuse to iron at all and buy clothes that don’t even need to be ironed. They just don’t want to waste their time with this unnecessary activity anymore.

2. Coloring Gray Hair

OLD traditions of women about gray hair

As soon as women discover the first gray hair on their heads, they often think that their prime is over and that they are getting old. The culprits are rigorously plucked out or hair dye is used immediately.

Fortunately, there is also a rethinking and more and more women are standing by their gray hair, even at a young age. And that’s a good thing because constant dyeing is harmful to the body and can even destroy the hair in the long run.

3. Tattoos Are Only for The Young

Tattoos Are Only for The Young taboo

Tattoos, piercings, or colorful strands in the hair are only for young people. This used to be a common belief. Anyone over 40 who made noticeable changes to their appearance was considered weird or crazy.

But drastic changes such as tattoos or piercings should be well thought out and you are more certain of your decision as an adult than as a teenager. A woman over 40 knows exactly what she likes and will not decorate her body with a meaningless slogan or a failed image.

4. Short Hair is Only For The Lazy

Short Hair is Only For The Lazy

A common belief was that short hair was only worn by women who didn’t feel like styling themselves and didn’t care about their looks. In reality, however, it is very different, because short hair often requires a longer procedure in the bathroom than long hair. You should also choose a haircut because it suits you and you like it, and not because it is traditional for women to have long hair.

5. Buying Personal Hygiene Products

Buying Personal Hygiene Products taboo

Women’s periods and hygiene products are still taboo topics. Young women in particular used to be ashamed to buy tampons or pads. Fortunately, nowadays they take it much more for granted and no longer feel uncomfortable when buying hygiene products. Young girls even send their partners to buy the right products for them. If you still feel a little uncomfortable, you can also easily order them online.

6. Keeping Old Clothes

habit of keeping old clothes

Getting rid of old clothes is difficult for many people. Even if the clothes don’t fit or are in line with mainstream fashion tastes, most people feel bad for having spent money on them. They often convince themselves that the clothes will fit them again in a few years or that they will become fashionable again.

But such closet corpses only take up unnecessary space and can even cause enormous pressure when trying to fit into clothes that have been too small for years. Garments that have not been worn for more than 1 year should be given away or donated and removed from the closet.

7. Wearing a Bra at Home

should you wear a bra at home

Bras are a perennial argument among women. Half are adamant about not wearing bras at all, while the other half don’t take them off until just before bed. Every woman should decide for herself whether she feels most comfortable with or without a bra. There is no scientific evidence that one or the other is better for the breasts or affects their shape.

8. High Heel Statement

High heeled shoes have long been a must for every woman

High-heeled shoes have long been a must for every woman. They visually stretch the legs and add grace and femininity to the look. Interestingly, heeled shoes were only for noblemen in the 17th century. But no matter who wears them or how graceful they look: high-heeled shoes are bad for your health and not really comfortable.

9. New Dress Only Once


Some items of clothing, such as prom dresses, are only purchased for a single event and then sit in a closet or box afterward. This is not only a pity but also by no means sustainable because such items of clothing usually cost a lot of money. If you know you’re only going to wear them for one evening, it’s better to rent clothes.

10. Bulky Grocery Stocks

Bulky Grocery Stocks HABIT

Buying groceries in bulk sounds like a good idea, as you don’t have to go to the supermarket as often and they often cost less if you buy them in bulk. But this strategy does not always pay off because the products are often used in larger quantities.

You also need a lot of space or additional storage containers, which results in additional costs. Another reason against such a stock economy is that it makes you eat the same thing over and over again and food expires before you can even consume it.

11. Wedding Ring Year Around


The absence of a wedding ring on a married woman’s ring finger does not mean that she is looking for an affair or that she no longer loves her husband. Some women are allergic to the metals in the ring, don’t like jewelry, or aren’t allowed to wear it to work, and then simply forget to put on the ring in private situations.

12. Theater as an Opportunity to Dress Up


A visit to the theater used to be a special event and one was expected to dress particularly smartly for it. The origins of this tradition lie in the history of the theatre, which at that time was the privilege of the rich and noble classes. They went to the theater not just for the performance, but primarily to show off their wealth and good taste.

A few decades ago, however, that changed and avid theatergoers now recommend wearing comfortable, nondescript clothing so as not to distract other people from what’s happening on stage with their appearance.

Not everything that was traditional in the past should still be so today, as views and people evolve. Which customs of your grandparents could you do without these days?


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