10 Foods That Your Brain Loves, Feast For Brain

6. Broccoli.
Why is it good for you? Broccoli is high in several nutrients including vitamin K.

How does it help you get more done? Vitamin K enhances your cognitive abilities and improves your brainpower.

7. Dark chocolate.
Why is it good for you? Dark chocolate contains powerful antioxidants and stimulates your brain naturally.

How does it help you get more done? There are flavonoids in chocolate that aid in bringing blood to the brain and enhance your ability to think clearly.

8. Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds contain powerful antioxidants that protect the body and brain from free radical damage. They’re also an excellent source of magnesium, iron, zinc and copper. Please do your research on how each of these elements are vital to your brain health.

9. Nuts
Research has shown that eating nuts can improve markers of heart health, and having a healthy heart is linked to having a healthy brain. A 2014 review showed that nuts can improve cognition and even help prevent neurodegenerative diseases.

Also, another large study found that women who ate nuts regularly over the course of several years had a sharper memory, compared to those who didn’t eat nuts.

10. Salmon

Eating food rich in omega-3 fatty acids may help slow cognitive decline; the fatty acids that are found in fish, boost memory up to 15 percent, according to studies. Fish in general provides the body with high-quality protein. Including salmon and sardines in your diet leads to reducing the risk of heart disease, chronic disease, rheumatoid arthritis and slows down aging.

Top Foods For Your Brain Health
Top Foods For Your Brain Health


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